Sugar Mill – KPR Mill Limited

Sugar Mill

A Co-gen Cum Sugar Factory with 30 MW, 10,000 TCD and 130 KLPD of Ethanal Extraction



KPR has been proactively exploring new avenues for green power. To attain 100% self sufficiency in meeting our Power requirements through Green Power, a Co-gen Cum Sugar Factory with 90 MW , 20,000 TCD and 360 KLPD of Ethanal Extraction has been established at Almel Village, Sindagi Taluk, Bijapur (DT), Karnataka and at Chinnmageri village Kalaburaji(DT) , one of the highest sugar recovery area.

K.P.R. Sugar Mill Limited and K.P.R Sugar and Apparels Limited are a wholly owned subsidiary of K.P.R. Mill Limited. The Co-gen cum Sugar Mill and Ethanol plant , equipped with modern infrastructure.


Participating in Green Power generation through wind mills and Co-gen facilitates meeting most of our Power requirement through Green Power..

Total green power generation capacity 90 M.W.